Five tips to prepare your home office space

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Like many people, a new reality has caught up with you and you are now working from home. To be comfortable and to be productive, you will need a workspace adapted to the nature of your tasks. Here are five tips to make your day go by in a flash.

Choose the place well
To promote the break between work and personal life, when space permits, it is preferable not to contaminate living spaces in the rest of the house, such as the kitchen. This would reduce your productivity during the day, in addition to preventing you from dropping out at the end of the day. Choose an exclusive place, preferably closed by a door. Also avoid the bedroom, because it is a space that should remain reserved for rest.

Count on the brightness
When the time comes to set up your office, keep in mind that you will be spending long hours there. It is therefore important that your workspace is as bright as possible. Consider installing your work table in front of a window or nearby, when possible. Sitting near a window allows you to look outside to rest your eyes. If space does not allow it, nothing prevents you from getting a light therapy lamp. It will help you on dark winter days.

Work standing
Height-adjustable desks are becoming increasingly popular with workers. They allow you to stand rather than sit all day. Their adjustable legs move up and down using a manual or electric mechanism. Thus, you will adopt a better posture and you will reduce the risk of back pain.

Be neutral, but comfortable
Choose to make your workspace a place where the colors are sober (white, gray, beige). You can then brighten up the room with colorful accessories. Avoid painting an entire wall with bright colors, however; they dilute our ability to concentrate. Also consider the room temperature. A mercury between 20 and 23 degrees Celsius is perfect for working. The humidity level should be close to 50%. As for noise pollution, it should be limited as much as possible. Stay away from children’s televisions, kitchens and playrooms.

Storage changes everything
The storage spaces in your office are very important. They allow you to keep your paperwork and files in order, while creating a calmer and more zen environment. Equip yourself with beautiful boxes, a filing cabinet, drawers, shelves or containers that are easy to access. The best thing is that everything is within easy reach. And to give your wallet a boost, consider buying used. You will also reduce your ecological footprint.

