How to Prepare Your Interior for Winter

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Winter is not over yet! But to make the most of our winter, good preparation at home is essential. Check out our 10 easy tips to help you prepare your home for winter.

1. Protect pipes from extreme cold

Water expands when it comes into contact with the cold. When it is very cold, the pipes can therefore burst.

Insulate around indoor pipes to prevent cold drafts. In the house, monitor the temperature near the pipes. If it drops below the freezing point, project heat in a safe way, for example using a fan, in order to convey the hot air to the right place. Always consider the risk of fire.

On very cold days, run a trickle of water through the tap to prevent the water from freezing in the pipes. It’s an easy way to avoid costly problems.

2. Have your heater inspected

Make sure your furnace is in good condition before the cold weather hits. Wait times tend to be longer as winter progresses. This is also the worst time of the year to run out of heat.

Book a professional inspection sooner rather than later to avoid waiting. Plus, having it serviced can help prevent major problems and save you a lot of money in the long run.

3. Insulate doors and windows

Run your hand around the frames of your exterior doors and windows. Do you feel a breeze? If so, it’s time to install (or replace) insulation. Take the opportunity to equip your windows with weather stripping films. They are very efficient and economical.

4. Clean heating and ventilation systems

Before switching on the heating, consider the following:

Clean the electric baseboard heaters to avoid bad smells;
Do a quick test to make sure they work well;
The heat rises. If you live in a house, start by heating the basement and the garage.
If you have an air exchanger, clean it before using it to prevent the dust that has accumulated in the pipes over the months from spreading around the house.

5. Check detectors

When was the last time you checked your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors? Take advantage of your great momentum of “preparing for winter” to change their batteries and clean the accumulated dust. It only takes a minute and you will feel safer.

6. Measure radon

Have you ever heard of radon? This radioactive gas, naturally present in certain soils and rocks, is the second cause of lung cancer after smoking.

Invisible, odorless and tasteless, radon can seep into buildings, often through foundations, and is impossible to detect without a radon detector. Use one to measure the radon concentration in your home. If corrective action is needed, please hire a certified contractor to ensure your home is as safe as possible.

7. Sweep the chimney

For the lucky ones who own a fireplace, if your municipality allows you to use it, it should keep you warm this winter. But have the chimney inspected and swept before you use it. To avoid the risk of fire, this step should not be neglected. In fact, many Canadian cities have bylaws about it.

